2023 Wrap Up


I haven't posted here all year, so I figured I could at least aggregate some links to other things I've done this year.

2023 started with me going all-in with some cofounders on Prefab. I'm super enjoying building developer tools. I've been able to go deep into the Language Server Protocol, CLIs, and VS Code/Neovim tooling to help build the best feature flags, live config, and dynamic log levels for developers. You should try it out -- it'd mean a lot to me 🫶

Here are some blog posts I wrote for the Prefab blog.

I started a youtube channel. There is only one video so far, but I plan to hit it hard in 2024. Like and subscribe and all that.

I've also started an LSP Newsletter if you'd like to join me on my journey into developer tools.

My goofy face

Hi, I'm Jeffrey Chupp.
I solve problems, often with code.