Rails Route Completion with fzf in Vim


My work codebase has a lot of routes. If your Rails app has been around awhile, it likely does too.

You probably know this routine:

  • start to type a route and realize you don't remember it precisely
  • leave your editor to run rake routes (maybe with grep)
  • comb through the output to find the route you wanted
  • copy and paste it back into your editor
  • promptly forget the route so you can do the same thing next time

I decided to fix this using fzf completion in Vim so I never have to leave the editor.

Now the routine is:

  • start to type a route and realize I don't remember it precisely
  • hit <c-x><c-r> and fuzzy-complete the route
  • promptly forget the route so I can do the same thing next time

Here's what this looks like.

And here's the code (using fzf#complete from fzf.vim):

function! s:parse_route(selected)
  let l:squished = substitute(join(a:selected), '^\s\+', '', '')
  return split(l:squished)[0] . '_path'

inoremap <expr> <c-x><c-r> fzf#complete({
  \ 'source':  'rake routes',
  \ 'reducer': '<sid>parse_route'})

The code is a bit naive but it solves the problem well enough for now.

Note: Example routes are from Thredded ("The best Rails forums engine ever").

My goofy face

Hi, I'm Jeffrey Chupp.
I solve problems, often with code.