When I'm working on a branch, I naturally want to interact with the changed files. To make this easier, I wrote a custom git subcommand I've named git-changed-on-branch
Invoked as git changed-on-branch
, the script returns all changed filenames between your current branch and origin/master
(though you can pass in an alternate comparison branch/sha/etc. as an argument if you wish).
Let's look at the thoroughly-commented code:
# !/bin/bash
# List files changed on the current branch versus a provided branch/sha/etc.
# (or the default of origin/master)
# First get already-committed file names that have been
# (C)opied, (R)enamed, (A)added, or (M)odified
# We specify the diff-filter because we explicitly _don't_ care about Deleted
# files.
git diff ${to_compare}... --name-only --diff-filter=CRAM &&
# Then get files that are currently modified (staged or unstaged)
(git status --porcelain | awk '{print $2}')
) |
# Finally, remove duplicates without changing the sort order
awk '!x[$0]++'
Save that as git-changed-on-branch
somewhere in $PATH
and chmod +x
. In typical Unix fashion, we can compose this in some interesting ways.
git changed-on-branch | grep test | xargs yarn jest
could run your tests.
git changed-on-branch | fzf -m --height 40% | xargs -o vim
from your shell uses fzf to select (one or more) files to be opened in vim.
Let your imagination run wild and make some helpful aliases.
As a closing example, here's how I use this within vim with fzf#run to open files changed on the branch:
nnoremap <silent> <Leader>gt :call fzf#run({
\ 'source': 'git changed-on-branch',
\ 'sink': 'e',
\ 'options': '--multi --reverse',
\ 'down': 15
\ })<CR>
You've started a new job (congrats!). For your first task, your PM wants you to change the default behavior of help-desk links to open in a new tab.
This is the sort of task that is either trivial or a trip down the rathole of fragile tests that depended on the original behavior.
As apps grow, two things often happen that make changes like this one slower for developers:
- It becomes less obvious which tests might be impacted by a change.
- The runtime of the test suite grows such that running the entire suite locally isn't palatable.
Many devs will run any seemingly relevant unit tests, any obvious integration tests, and then let CI tell them what they missed. But when CI takes minutes or tens of minutes to run, the feedback loop grows and this once seemingly simple tweak can derail your morning.
Fortunately, there's an easy way to find tests likely impacted by your change...
Git to the rescue (again)
If you're using atomic commits with Git, you have a rich history that groups files with their related tests.
There's no obvious relationship between a file named link-helper.js
and your "Subscription Refund Integration Test" but if the two were changed in the same commit, that's a good hint that they might be related.
So if you make your change in link-helper.js
, how can you use Git history to suggest related tests?
The naive version looks something like this
#!/usr/bin/env bash
# find commits where the file was changed
git log --format='%H' -- $1 |
# show file names from those commits
xargs git show --pretty="" --name-only |
# filter to only the provided pattern
grep $pattern |
# remove duplicates
echo $candidates
Save that as suggest-tests
somewhere in $PATH
and chmod +x
Now you can invoke suggest-tests app/js/link-helper.js test/
and see all files with "test/" in their path that changed when app/js/link-helper.js
also changed.
A more robust solution
There's a few places that the naive solution isn't ideal:
- It won't follow file renames.
- It returns file paths that have since been deleted.
- It would be nice if the
preserved history order (most recently edited to least recently edited).
- It would also be nice if you could set a default pattern to avoid specifying it every time.
After some thinking, googling, and false starts, here's the version I'm using today:
#!/usr/bin/env bash
function usage {
script=$(basename $0)
echo "$script - use Git history to suggest tests that could be relevant to the provided file"
echo "Usage: $script file test_pattern"
echo " Note: test_pattern is optional if \$DEFAULT_SUGGEST_TESTS_PATTERN is set"
echo " (\$DEFAULT_SUGGEST_TESTS_PATTERN is unset or empty)"
echo "Example:"
echo " $ suggest-tests some_file_name.rb _test.rb"
echo "You might want to pipe the results into your test runner with xargs:"
echo " $ suggest-tests some_file_name.rb _test.rb | xargs rake test"
exit 1
if [ "$#" -gt 2 ] || [ "$#" -eq 0 ] || [ $1 == "--help" ]; then
if [ -z $pattern ]; then
# find commits where the file was changed (following renames on the file)
git log --follow --format='%H' -- $file |
# show file names from those commits
xargs git show --pretty="" --name-only |
# get the test files from those file names
grep $pattern |
# uniqify the names but preserve history order
awk '!x[$0]++'
# get the root in case we're called from elsewhere
git_root=$(git rev-parse --show-toplevel)
# only return candidates that still exist on disk
for candidate in $candidates
if [ -f "$git_root/$candidate" ]; then
echo $candidate
This solves all our issues and adds some helpful usage instructions. Also, how great is that awk trick?
Running the relevant tests
I live in Ruby + minitest world most of the time so here's an example of how I run relevant tests: suggest-tests some_file_name.rb _test.rb | xargs rake test
Vim integration with fzf
When editing a file, it can sometimes be useful to edit related test files. Here's an example Vim mapping to quickly jump to these files with fzf.
nnoremap <silent> <Leader>S :call fzf#run({
\ 'source': 'suggest-tests ' . bufname('%'),
\ 'sink': 'e',
\ 'options': '--multi --reverse',
\ 'down': 15
\ })<CR>
(which I've set locally to '^test.*_test\.rb$'
) but you could make a binding for various patterns as you wish.
Closing thoughts
This approach isn't perfect (since you might break a test that shares no Git history with your changed file), and CI will still catch anything you miss. This script has saved me numerous CI feedback cycles over the past year and I hope it does the same for you.
"Happy Monday!" Your buddy over in Business Intelligence has a question. Some time on November 23rd, a specific tracked event dropped in frequency by half. Fortunately this isn't a mission-critical metric or you would have heard about it awhile ago. Still, what happened on November 23rd?
If you keep an official changelog, maybe your BI buddy can answer this on their own. Otherwise you're going to have to dig into your ol' reliable git log
for help.
I've done this spelunking enough times now to write up a little script named what-shipped-on
. Since we use feature-branches and merge into a release branch on deploy, we can run the script from the deployed branch to see what commits were merged on a date.
$ what-shipped-on 2019-05-20
commit 41abc0bd3960b47daadaf7fa1a8ee5bf68d38609
Author: Jeffrey Chupp <jeff@semanticart.com>
Date: Mon May 20 11:44:06 2019 -0400
Unify css files
commit c061f869e7ad1d6362d4a8d3836e513ca2a72e59
Author: Jeffrey Chupp <jeff@semanticart.com>
Date: Mon May 20 11:07:12 2019 -0400
WebP for images
Here's the script:
#!/usr/bin/env bash
if [[ $# -eq 0 ]] ; then
echo 'Please provide a date in YYYY-MM-DD format.'
exit 1
# remove date option so remaining options can be passed transparently to git
day_before=$(date -j -v-1d -f "%Y-%m-%d" "$desired_date" "+%Y-%m-%d")
day_after=$(date -j -v+1d -f "%Y-%m-%d" "$desired_date" "+%Y-%m-%d")
git log --after="$day_before" --before="$day_after" $@
The script is pretty straightforward but I'll draw special attention to the use of shift
. This allows us to pass additional options to our command that get passed along to git log
. So if you want the patch view with short stats, you're in luck: what-shipped-on 2018-11-23 -p --shortstat
May your answers always be clear and your fixes trivial.