git changed-on-branch
When I'm working on a branch, I naturally want to interact with the changed files. To make this easier, I wrote a custom git subcommand I've named git-changed-on-branch
Invoked as git changed-on-branch
, the script returns all changed filenames between your current branch and origin/master
(though you can pass in an alternate comparison branch/sha/etc. as an argument if you wish).
Let's look at the thoroughly-commented code:
# !/bin/bash
# List files changed on the current branch versus a provided branch/sha/etc.
# (or the default of origin/master)
# First get already-committed file names that have been
# (C)opied, (R)enamed, (A)added, or (M)odified
# We specify the diff-filter because we explicitly _don't_ care about Deleted
# files.
git diff ${to_compare}... --name-only --diff-filter=CRAM &&
# Then get files that are currently modified (staged or unstaged)
(git status --porcelain | awk '{print $2}')
) |
# Finally, remove duplicates without changing the sort order
awk '!x[$0]++'
Save that as git-changed-on-branch
somewhere in $PATH
and chmod +x
. In typical Unix fashion, we can compose this in some interesting ways.
git changed-on-branch | grep test | xargs yarn jest
could run your tests.git changed-on-branch | fzf -m --height 40% | xargs -o vim
from your shell uses fzf to select (one or more) files to be opened in vim.
Let your imagination run wild and make some helpful aliases.
As a closing example, here's how I use this within vim with fzf#run to open files changed on the branch:
nnoremap <silent> <Leader>gt :call fzf#run({
\ 'source': 'git changed-on-branch',
\ 'sink': 'e',
\ 'options': '--multi --reverse',
\ 'down': 15
\ })<CR>